In AY 2010-2011, the Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee (CEP) began to implement a new Common Course of Study (CCS), which came in effect with the Class of 2016. CEP formed a subcommittee focused on assessment (CEP-A) and the Provost convened an Ad-hoc CCS Assessment Committee to work with the faculty and departments to coordinate the assessment of the ten CCS course attributes.  This committee led CCS assessment efforts for two years, AY 2015-16 and AY 2016-17.

In AY 2016-17, the faculty approved modifications to current CCS assessment procedures and a new CCS assessment cycle developed by the Dean of Curriculum and Research in consultation with the Ad-hoc CCS Assessment Committee and CEP-A committee.  These modifications were presented as motions on the floor of the faculty by CEP and were approved unanimously by the faculty.  These materials are available to all faculty on the password-protected Spaces site “Assessment of Student Learning in the Common Course of Study.”  Among the approved motions was the motion to establish a permanent Provost-appointed committee on CCS assessment in which at least one faculty member would lead the assessment of each CCS attribute.  The membership of the current CCS Assessment Committee is listed below.

Annual reports on the assessment of the ten CCS attributes inform faculty about CCS assessment results, faculty discussion, and future plans and are intended to assist faculty in their continued efforts to enhance student learning.  These reports also are available to the faculty on the password-protected Spaces site “Assessment of Student Learning in the Common Course of Study.”

Membership of the CCS Assessment Committee is as follows: